Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Activity 5 - How will Bloom's 'Taxonomy Of Learning' influence my Learning Teaching & Assessment Plan?

I think to a point I already use parts of Bloom's Taxonomy Of Learning in my lessons with the students. I just wasn't conscious of it. It's made me more aware of the ways to questions & challenge my student's & how to develop the students' skills of learning. I will definatley make sure that for every lesson I will have questions that challenge the students. I will make sure that from now on higher order thinking skills will be an essential part of my lessons.

Because my subject is very practical I find that the higher order thinking skills that I use most in my lessons are: Application, Analysis & Synthesis.

With dance there's a lot of dramatising, interpretation, demonstrating, rehearsing, experimenting, creating, arranging, developing & preparation. All of which are higher order thinking skills.

This will be a model which I continously refer to, to make sure I'm challenging the students.

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