Monday 23 February 2009



1.I used an abstract painting for the stimulus of today’s lesson (see below). I focused on the outline of the black shape to create the motif, which the students then developed (eg. made it faster, smaller, on the spot, reverse the levels of it, change the direction). The motif started at the top of the black outline and then made its way round the shape clockwise. They then tried different types of canons (Simultaneous, Loose, Cumulative, Simple) as well as dancing in unison. I wanted to show them that from 1 short dance motif, you can literally create minutes worth of interesting movement just by using simple choreographic techniques which are mentioned above. The lesson was tutor led at first but the students then had to work on their own to create their own individual motif.

2.Today’s lesson did have valuable and interesting information and tasks involved in it, however I think I gave them too much in the one lesson. I should’ve broken this lesson down into 2 parts (Motif and Canon techniques). I hope I haven’t bombarded them with so much that it doesn’t make sense when they come back to it next week. I feel that I have so much information that I want to give them that it’s difficult to choose what to keep and take away. This is the first year of running this unit so hopefully this is going to help me for next year’s class.

3.All I can take from this is that I can learn what works and how much material to give them in one lesson and use this information for the next time I run this unit.

4. For some of my choreography lessons this year, I can take some of the techniques out of their choreography class and use them in their Movement and Dance unit which I’m going to cross assess, as they have to create a dance piece for this unit too.

5.To achieve this I will have to review the techniques and adapt and change my LTA plan for this Choreography unit and the Movement unit. Also to be better at choosing what to keep in the lessons and discard to make sure the students don’t get overwhelmed with the amount of information that I’m trying to give them.

6. The students are very open with me and are capable of telling me if they think there was too much in the lesson or not. They’re evaluations on their own choreography blog ( is what is helping me see if I have had a successful lesson that the students enjoyed and learned from. Today they enjoyed what they were learning but they did think there was a lot of information to take in and would’ve liked longer to develop the ideas and techniques.

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