Monday 9 March 2009



1. I chose a more difficult stimulus today. I used a diagram with lines and shapes on it. They were to create a traveling dance sequence using this diagram. The lines represented them traveling in the space (dance studio), and when they came to one of the shapes they must create a movement which represents that shape. They must travel along the lines without coming off them but can choose any pathway. The top left star is the left front corner of the dance studio. This was challenging their core skills and their creativity. They really had to think about how they were going to create and also remember this sequence. I choose something a bit more challenging on purpose because I felt they could cope with it. Again I take a step back once I’ve given them the instructions for the task and the aims and objectives for the lesson, I leave them to work on their own, with me being there to assist and help if they need it. The students need the time to develop their own ideas so I can’t give too much input to their sequence as the whole point is that it’s their creation. And it’s practice for when they start to create their own dance piece.

2.A few today really struggled with this task. But I’m glad I used it, some of the students needed a challenge and the ones who struggled slightly I gave them some extra time to work on it and assisted them by giving some examples of what they could do. Also once they were able to watch each other’s it helped them to see what they could do and were quite impressed by each other’s sequences. I also got them to feedback to each other what they liked and what they could improve on in their sequence. I find this is a good task in itself as it gets them to be critical and evaluate the choreographic process. I think giving the feedback in this class was a real success today and it was good to hear some of the comments and reactions to people’s work.

3.From this lesson I can see that the feedback worked really well so would do make sure I keep this within all lessons. That the stimulus was a challenge for some and that I would need to spend more time on an example or explanation of what they have to do to complete the task.

4. Give more time to the feedback section. I could have them watch each others sequence, give feedback including something that they have to change in their sequence to make it better and make sure they tell them something they do really well in it. Let them see the importance of feedback as well as teamwork and good communication skills. Or it could be good rather than me assisting people who are struggling with the task, get the students who have understood it properly and confident in their movement to help their peers this would be a great idea.

5.To do this I have to manage my time better for this lesson. Less time of me chatting at the beginning (be more concise), and more time for the students to work on the task (on their own and with partner) and more time for feedback.

6.I know I’ll have succeeded by the students’ feedback and their recorded sequences. Constantly making sure that they communicate with me about what they liked about the lesson, what they didn’t like, what they would like more time on etc.

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